Wednesday, September 26, 2007


September 26, 2007 ; Wednesday

I had a problem regarding the printer that continuosly printing unwanted print outs.We traced where the print out are from,which testers.The tester is running in LINUX Redhat.I need to know the commands for this or where to remove the print queues.To make the story short,after browing of reading manuals from the tester (man [topic] ) I got it and according to the the oprator the printer is now okay.But Ias I was check or doing the configuration for a new tester the prpoduction supervisor approach me and told that one tester can not print again.I told her that I'll just check that later on 'cos I still have the configuration thing.After a few minutes here she is again saying that the whole line cannot print (4 testers)I told her to check one of our senior for a fast resolution of the problem since I am still with the configuration activity.After a few more minutes or hours I am still the one to check it.To make the story short again what does the tester need is just a reboot.=(

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