Monday, September 17, 2007


September 14, 2007 ; Friday

Almost the whole day I was in the production line to set-up a network printer.Informations are already configured at the LAN card of the printer.BTW,we lend this printer to one of our "dedicated customer" which they should have their own printer,3 printers actually.Going back,I should not be having problem in setting this up since the network guy (the one who activate the ports) told me I mean us (with the production supervisor) that the port near the printer is already activated.I only need to connect the printer to network and configure the client that will use the network printer.I tried two LAN card but both doesn't work.What I did is try to use another LAN cable,but still doesn't work.I transfer port and whuwala!It works.The printer is now online.DAMN!that network guy is a lier,the port was not activated as what he told us.I wasted hours troubleshooting it and researching what would be the cause and it was only the damn port that was not activated.

Next,I need to configure 6 windows based testers to use the network printer I set up.And It was successful.

As I was doing my thing on the printer,a Department Manager approached me to ask some things,like the drive shared which is prohibited and I calibrate him about it and why it is prohibited.After the conversation ,I had an A.I.We will have a audit on the tester regarding that matter.On our group we will audit the file/folder/drive sharing.

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