Wednesday, April 2, 2008


February 04, 2008 ; Monday

FSE explained the logs/result.the DB server connection to application server and cell controller is the reason for time out.


February 01, 2008 ; Friday

The tester is encountering "time out" based on the over night observation.Will still obeserve the set-up ang run a log monitoring feature,teached by FSE, and will send the logs to him for interpretation.


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January 30, 2008 ; Wednesday

Today should be the start of migration but again,failed.We installed the permanent license for the new server.


January 29, 2008 ; Tuesday

Today I only need to observer the set-up running in the new server and Coordinate the license to our FSE.


January 25, 2008 ; Friday

We will be having our buy-off again today,but the machine is down (c/0 Product Engr)


January 24, 2008 ; Thursday

We chack one platform of our marker if it will be ok to connect it to our new server using the config file created by our CIM guy.


January 23, 2008 ; Wednesday

We tried to have of buy-off again and it was successful but we failed to migrate again...=(


January 22, 2008 ; Tuesday

We failed for the migration that day as well as the buy off activity.=(


January 21, 2008 ; Monday

That supposedly our migration daybut we need to recommit due to some circutances.

Created a image back-up for our new tester in p4 and had a pre-configuration of a UNIX based tester of one our dedicated customer.


January 18, 2008 ; Friday

Checke the ntldr missing problem in one of our windows based tester and create an image back-up of our new windoes based tester.


January 17, 2008 ; Thursday

We had a testing again,check the problem on the tester we used for buy-off and reformat and reinstall a Cell Controller for one of the marker we have.


January 16, 2008 ; Wednesday

We had a short follow meeting regarding the meeting we had the day before.I Coordinated the permanent license with our FSE.


January 15, 2008 ; Tuesday

We had a weekly meeting for our server migration...short as that.lolz


January 14, 2008 ; Monday

Today I reported at Laguna Plant.We checked a tester that is encountering hostname conflict problem.There we discovered that they had restored a wrong image back-up.This one is illegal,License issue by Microsoft corp.Since they used the license of the PC that they restored its imaged to another PC.

Also I assess a problem in one of our dedicated customer and a problem in one of our UNIX tester.


January 11, 2008 ; Friday

We had to test "real lot" as part of our buy off activity which is also a part of our server migration activities...


January 10, 2008 ; Thursday

We had a buy-off again,this time our vendor's Field Service Engineer (FSE) helped us so 1 tester and 3 markers are now ready for migration.


Hi.Since I was way to late in updating this blog,I decided to have a short/very short post in my everyday activities.Sorry for that.But as soon as I finally got this blog be updated,everything will be back to normal.

January 09, 2008 ; Wednesday

We had a buy-off and test result for the server migration activity.But during trying to connect the cell ctoroller to the new server we encountered "Lot Validation Error" .Which was encountered on that time.Even our present admin can not explain it.