Wednesday, August 22, 2007


We don't have work last August 20, 2007 this is in lieu of the Ninoy Aquino Day.

August 21, 2007 ; Tuesday

I'm back from the 3 days vacation,long weekend.I process gatepass of one our the supplier or tech.rep for our new customer's data center.I also escorted the customer,still the same customer.

One of my PE friend had problem in logging in for FTP.So did some research on changing the access etc...I told her to use the other account of the same customer she will use,we said that it isn't ok.But later on,I was right that 2nd account should be the one to use.It was the operator who keeps on telling her that the first account should be use,according to her.

I also install LSI library 5.7 in two UNIX based testers.Here's how I did it:
1.) Put the installer on the local drive.Using FTP
2.) Since the file is in .tar.Z format I should uncompress it first.command: uncompress [filename]
3.) After uncompressing it the file is now in .tar format (use ls command to see),so this should be untar. command: tar xvf [filename]
4.) Remove the .tar file.command: rm [filename.tar]
5.) Make a link poitning to the file. command: ln -s [file] linkpoint

Hope that increase our knowledge.lolz

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