Wednesday, November 7, 2007


November 07, 2007 ; Wednesday

Early in the morning I had a request for date/time synchronization of few UNIX based testers.The command?Of course I'll be glad to share it with you guys.Here's an example:
date 11070730
This will November 07, 7:30am.The first two digits are for the month,the next two digits are for the day in the month, then the next two digits is for the hour and the last two digits are for the minutes.Take note that we are using military time here.So here's another example:
date 10152045 ~> October 15, 10:45pm

Next is that the printing problem of other set of UNIX based tester.What I did is I just clean the print queues.But one of the reported tester has a worng default printer,the set default printer is defective...So I set its default printer to the right one.

Lastly,I had a restoration request.But my groupmate suggested that it's better that I teach the maint guy how to do it.So I did.But I learned that they will put the HDD to a different CPU,Which has a big possibility that they will encounter blue screen.Since the divers installed in the HDD(from image back-up) is not the exact drivers for the new CPU...

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